Financial Tools

Financial Accelerator | Real Estate Edition

What you will learn:

  • Learn to understand your cash flow using our financial spreadsheet tool
  • Learn to create an optimal budget plan that maximizes your residual income
  • Understand your expenses and manage your finances better
  • Learn how to beat inflation with smart investment techniques
  • Learn how to maximize your real estate income 
  • Manage your real estate portfolio with cost-minimization techniques

About this course:

This course will dive deep into your finances and help you get back on track, so you are ready for real-life residual investments. It does not matter what part of the financial freedom journey you are in or how much income you are bringing in, because at the end of the day; what you do with what you have is more important than what you have.

The Financial Accelerator course is for anyone and everyone looking for financial independence. To take this course, you must be ready to increase your monthly investment allocations and increase your income. This course was created to help create financial habits so it will take action and discipline to reach your personal financial goals.

Financial Accelerator | Real Estate Edition Read More »

Acelerador Financiero I Plantilla de Presupuesto

Que Aprenderas:

  • Aprenda a comprender sus flujos de efectivo utilizando nuestra herramienta de hoja de cálculo financiera
  • Aprenda a crear un plan de presupuesto óptimo que maximice su ingreso residual
  • Conoce Asignaciones Porcentuales de Ingresos y Gastos
  • Mida su progreso a través de nuestros Gráficos Residuales patentados.
  • Comprender el poder del interés compuesto
  • Comprenda sus gastos y administre mejor sus finanzas

Sobre Este Curso:

Este curso profundizará en sus finanzas y lo ayudará a volver a encarrilarse, de modo que esté listo para las inversiones residuales de la vida real. No importa en qué parte del viaje de la libertad financiera se encuentre o cuántos ingresos esté generando, porque al final del día; lo que haces con lo que tienes es más importante que lo que tienes.

El curso Financial Accelerator es para cualquier persona que busque independencia financiera. Para tomar este curso, debe estar listo para aumentar sus asignaciones de inversión mensuales y aumentar sus ingresos. Este curso fue creado para ayudar a crear hábitos financieros, por lo que tomará acción y disciplina para alcanzar sus metas financieras personales.

Acelerador Financiero I Plantilla de Presupuesto Read More »

Financial Accelerator | Fundamentals of Money Management

What you will learn:

  • Learn to understand your cashflows using our financial spreadsheet tool
  • Learn to create an optimal budget plan that maximizes your residual income
  • Learn Percentage Allocations of income and Expenses
  • Measure your progress through our proprietary Residual Charts.
  • Understand the Power of Compounding Interest
  • Understand your expenses and manage your finances better
  • Learn how to beat inflation with smart investment techniques.

About this course:

This course will dive deep into your finances and help you get back on track, so you are ready for real-life residual investments. It does not matter what part of the financial freedom journey you are in or how much income you are bringing in, because at the end of the day; what you do with what you have is more important than what you have.

The Financial Accelerator course is for anyone and everyone looking for financial independence. To take this course, you must be ready to increase your monthly investment allocations and increase your income. This course was created to help create financial habits so it will take discipline, focus, and action to reach your personal financial goals.

Financial Accelerator | Fundamentals of Money Management Read More »

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